15 Apr News from Monaco: AMWC 2016
Last week I visited the AMWC 2016 in Monaco. AMWC stands for Aesthetic & Anti-aging Medicine World Congress – and it is indeed the largest and one of the most interesting congresses of its kind in the world. Year after year – and it is indeed the largest and one of the most interesting congresses of its kind in the world. Year after year – and for the fourteenth time in 2016 – all the exciting innovations in the fields of anti-ageing medicine, aesthetic medicine and aesthetic plastic surgery are presented and discussed here. In addition to the scientific program, this congress is characterized by a particularly extensive industry exhibition. Virtually all devices, preparations, instruments and aids used in aesthetic medicine are exhibited here: from medical lasers and ultrasound devices to radio frequency therapy equipment, fillers and creams as well as bandages and sutures. The exhibition is so important for the industry that exhibitors and visitors come from all over the world.
Highlights of the AMWC 2016
For me, the highlights of the congress were above all the new applications of autologous plasma and stem cell treatments as well as proven procedures for optimizing the appearance of the skin. Peelings, which are traditionally more important in France, were once again in the foreground at the AMWC, whereby the phenol peeling offered by Muggenthaler Ästhetik was undisputedly described as the most successful method for rejuvenating the face. The congress also gave me the opportunity to meet my French colleague Dr. Jean-Luc Vigneron again, to whom I owe the knowledge of his optimal method of phenol peeling, the exopeel.
New devices for even better results
For me, such a comprehensive industry exhibition is exciting because I am always looking for ways to further improve my treatment results and make facial aesthetic treatments and procedures as comfortable as possible for my patients. At AMWC 2016, I also decided to purchase two devices that will certainly serve me very well in my work. Firstly, I decided to use a special cooling device (CRYO 6 from Zimmer), which allows me to carry out laser treatments and peelings almost painlessly without local anesthesia. Secondly, I purchased the 3D LIVEVIZ 3-dimensional photo documentation system from Quantificare. This system is so exciting that I will report on it separately in more detail. In summary, it can be said that it improves treatment planning and the documentation of treatment successes immensely.
Some time for Monaco
Even though the weather didn’t quite cooperate, I’m glad that my wife accompanied me and that we were able to get some nice impressions of Monaco together, for example at the harbor or the famous beach club. It’s always particularly nice when you find time to get to know the surrounding area a little better in addition to the congresses, especially in a city as exciting as Monaco.