Phenol Peel presentation at the SSAAMP Congress in Horgen

It is extremely important for me to think outside the box, to learn from other disciplines, but also to pass on my own knowledge. Once again I had the opportunity to do so last weekend and attended the annual congress of the Swiss Society for Anti Aging Medicine and Prevention (SSAAMP) in Horgen on Lake Zurich.

It was a special pleasure for me to give a lecture on my method of facial rejuvenation with the help of phenol peeling. I was also able to gain many valuable insights and meet interesting speakers. The lectures by my esteemed colleague Prof. Dr. Kleine-Gunk (President of the German Society for Anti-Aging Medicine, GSAAM), who spoke about the importance and development of anti-aging medicine and then illustrated the connection between this medicine and aesthetics in a further lecture, made a particular impression. He really spoke from my soul!

The presentation by Hugo Schurgast, the Swiss Federal Pharmacist, who reported on “Micronutrients – News and Trends”, was also very interesting.

In addition to several other interesting presentations, the one by Prof. Dr. Petra Stute on “The influence of sex steroids on sleep” was particularly noteworthy. Based on numerous scientific findings, she has highlighted the importance of sleep for our physical and mental health, the effects of changing hormone levels in old age and ways of specifically correcting sleep disorders.

These four presentations alone were worth attending in Horgen. The congress showed me once again how valuable it is to leave your own “bubble” and learn from others.

On such occasions, I am always grateful to be a doctor and to be able to learn more about the almost inexhaustible knowledge and further development of medicine bit by bit. Last but not least, such experiences also give me the impetus to break new ground in aesthetic medicine.