Phenol peeling

Chemical peels open up very individual treatment options due to their variety and, above all, their different intensities. Medical phenol peelings also reach deeper skin structures and thus ensure an impressive tightening and lifting effect.

Dr. Dr. Frank Muggenthaler
Facharzt fรผr Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie
ร„sthetisch-Plastische Operationen

Dr. Dr. Frank Muggenthaler
Specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery
Aesthetic plastic surgery

Phenol peeling facts

Phenol peeling at a glance


  • Complete renewal and rejuvenation of the facial skin
  • Renewal of elastic and collagen fibers in all skin layers
  • The natural facial expression is retained
  • Visible age difference of several years possible


The special feature of a phenol deep peeling is the renewal of the elastic and collagen fibers in depth, which is why the skin receives a significant improvement in its functional properties. This leads to renewal and rejuvenation in all layers of the skin. Not only fine superficial wrinkles but also deep wrinkles are almost completely eliminated.

Operation duration
1 to 1.5 hours

Local anesthesia with twilight sleep if necessary

Outpatient or up to one week in hospital for complete facial treatments

After 24 hours, the tape bandage is removed and a powder mask is applied.

Socially acceptable
Depending on the extent of the treatment, we recommend a break of 10 days to 3 weeks.

Products used
At Muggenthaler ร„sthetik we only use products from Skintech and ZOยฎ Skin Health Inc.

Rare complications
Scars, prolonged redness, infections, light and dark pigment changes

Dr. Muggenthaler about phenol peeling

Thanks to its efficiency, the phenol peeling treatment ideally fulfills the desire of many patients for an extensive rejuvenation of their appearance. The side effects and risks are significantly reduced. In rare cases, smaller or more extensive scarring may occur, which then require special treatment. Phenol peeling can achieve exceptional results that would not be possible even with a surgical facelift.


Before and after

Patient voices

Treatment procedure

Before the phenol peeling

Every treatment begins with a comprehensive consultation and facial analysis. This results in an individual treatment plan. We recommend a phenol peel if the facial skin shows a marked loss of elasticity, wrinkles and other signs of ageing.

To ensure optimal healing, the skin must be pretreated for at least four to six weeks. The following goals are pursued: optimal cleansing, correction of skin irritations, reduction of pigmentation disorders and stimulation of skin renewal. These goals can be achieved with special highly effective washing gels, antioxidants, bleaching agents and creams containing retinol. At the same time, attention must be paid to effective sun protection.

The phenol peeling treatment

The phenol deep peel is performed under twilight anesthesia – so you are relaxed during the approximately one-hour treatment and feel no pain. Dr. Muggenthaler adjusts the intensity precisely to the needs of your facial skin. Finally, a bandage is applied for a particularly even effect.


After your treatment, you will spend the night at our clinic, where you will receive attentive care from our experienced staff. The dressing is removed the next morning and a powder mask is applied. At this point, the face is usually still very swollen, which is why you should take it easy for a week. For a complete facial treatment, we recommend a stay of up to one week in our clinic. The powder mask can be removed one week after peeling to reveal rejuvenated and still reddened facial skin. After two weeks, the swelling has largely subsided and any remaining redness can be concealed with make-up. Plan to take two to three weeks off before you become socially active again.


After six to eight weeks, most of the redness has completely disappeared or only occurs occasionally. The healing process is completed after about six months. During this time, the skin tightens and renews itself significantly. Effective sun protection is a must during and after healing.


From gentle or moderate skin optimization to comprehensive skin renewal, peels offer the experienced facial surgeon an almost infinite range of application possibilities.

Dr. Dr. Frank Muggenthaler

Dr. Frank Muggenthaler, Aesthetic Plastic Facial Surgery

Interdisciplinary competence

Dr. Muggenthaler learned the method of chemical deep peeling from international luminaries of aesthetic medicine. In 1999, Dr. Baker from Miami trained him in the Baker-Gordon peeling method he had developed. Dr. Muggenthaler then gained experience with the most important subsequent representatives of this technique, the American physicians Dr. Gregory Hetter and Dr. Richard Bensimon. Finally, Dr. Muggenthaler learned the sensational peeling method of the world-renowned dermatologist Dr. Vigneron from Nice.

Phenol peeling or

Phenol peeling and facelifting have three things in common: Both treatments are invasive, have a relatively high downtime and, when applied professionally, have a remarkable rejuvenating effect of 8 to 15 years. In terms of indications, however, the two methods differ fundamentally.


Frequently asked questions about phenol peeling

Who are deep chemical phenol peels suitable for?

If there is an advanced loss of function of the elastic fibers of the facial skin and there has been a significant formation of medium-deep and deep wrinkles, a deep peeling can achieve an almost complete correction. There is no other method, whether surgical lifting or laser treatment, which is as effective. Very good results can also be achieved in the presence of cornification disorders (precancerous lesions) and pigmentation disorders.

Are there any contraindications to phenol peeling?

  • Patients with very dark skin
  • If inflammatory skin rashes are present
  • If you have insulin-dependent diabetes
  • In the event of restrictions in heart, liver or kidney function

How long does the treatment take?

The skin should be prepared over a period of at least 6 weeks. The actual peeling takes about 90 minutes. The subsequent hospital stay can be 1 to 7 nights. Skin redness can last between 6 and 8 weeks, sometimes even longer.

How long do the results last after phenol peeling?

Normally, one application is sufficient for a lasting result – a rejuvenation of 10 to 15 years. To keep it that way, the skin should be well cared for after application and protected from sunlight.

How much younger do you ultimately look after a deep chemical phenol peel?

A rejuvenation of 10 to 15 years can be achieved without changing the existing facial harmony.

Are there risks and side effects with phenol peeling?

The occurrence of a herpes infection would be very unpleasant. Patients at risk are always given prophylaxis with appropriate medication. Otherwise, however, all patients receive appropriate prophylaxis after the procedure. It has been reported that cardiac arrhythmia can occur during the peeling procedure. This has not yet happened for us. However, deep chemical phenol peels should not be carried out if heart function or liver and kidney function are impaired.

Redness occurs after every peeling treatment. In most cases, they can be easily concealed with make-up and disappear after about 6 to 8 weeks. In individual cases, however, this may take longer. In rare cases, small or more extensive scars may occur, which require appropriate aftercare.

Both pigment loss and hyperpigmentation can occur as a result of peeling. A slight lightening can almost always be observed after a deep chemical peel and is of course even more noticeable if only individual regions have been treated. Dark pigment changes can occur, especially in slightly tanned skin or dark skin types, and then require drug therapy. In very rare cases, the dark pigmentation can be permanent.

Can the treatment only be carried out on individual areas, for example on the upper lip?

We recommend isolated treatment of individual regions only in exceptional cases, as redness is otherwise too conspicuous. However, we very often apply peeling solutions of different strengths to the face in order to take local requirements into account.

Can a deep chemical peel also be used on other parts of the body?

Unfortunately not

Is there an allergy risk with chemical peeling?

No, there is no risk of allergies

Can a deep chemical peel be combined with a surgical facelift?

A complete deep peel of the face should not be combined with a face lift in one session. The swelling would simply be too pronounced. However, isolated peelings on the lower eyelids or the mouth region according to a graduated concept can be combined very well with a facelift. We very often carry out treatments in this way.

Is phenol peeling painful?

Thanks to local anesthesia and a mild sedative, the treatment itself is not painful. Afterwards, however, pain may occur for the first 6 hours or so, which may require the administration of stronger painkillers. During this phase, we use special cooling devices that provide considerable pain relief. After 24 hours there is practically no more pain.

Can scars occur?

In rare cases, small or more extensive scars may occur, which require appropriate aftercare.

Can a deep chemical peel be performed on an outpatient basis or is a hospital stay necessary?

Deep peels can also be performed on an outpatient basis, but we always recommend a stay of at least one night in a clinic. Many patients also stay with us for longer, up to 7 days. While medical care is really important on the first night, the following days are more about “hiding” from the public.

When will I be socially acceptable again after the phenol peel?

Plan to take two to three weeks off before you become socially active again. After six to eight weeks, most of the redness has completely disappeared or only occurs occasionally.

Do you have any questions or would you like a personal consultation? We are here for you.

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