16 Jul HIFU facelift: skin tightening with ultrasound (Ultra Skin®)

The HIFU technique as a non-invasive facelift method:
Non-invasive facial rejuvenation techniques are also very popular with my patients. That’s why I always keep a very close eye on which treatments are being discussed among experts and which devices are being presented at renowned specialist conferences. One promising method is skin tightening using high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU technology).
The HIFU technique tightens the collagen fibers and connective tissue at defined depths below the skin surface and stimulates increased regeneration. Depending on the extent of the skin areas to be treated, a treatment takes around 60 to 90 minutes and patients are immediately fit for social life again afterwards. The tightening effect starts a little later and is very gentle over a period of 3 months. The non-invasive and painless treatment is ideal for patients between their late 30s and mid-50s who are suffering from the initial effects of decreasing skin elasticity. As HIFU treatment does not involve any downtime, it is an attractive alternative to surgical tightening for patients who are very busy at work. I recently had the opportunity to test the very effective Ultra Skin® ultrasound device on two test subjects. I will be happy to report on the results.